New York, NY - Council Members Defend Their Pay Raise: Outside Jobs Isn't A Satisfactory Pay
New York, NY - Contending they work hard 24/7 and deserve more money, City Council members gave themselves a $22,500 pay raise, bringing their base salary to $112,500 a year. "I have never seen a legislative body which works harder than the New York City Council," said Speaker Christine Quinn (D-Manhattan)
Of all elected officials in New York City, only City Council members may hold outside jobs, because the City Charter defines their positions as part time.
About a dozen members have outside jobs, some of the jobs are fairly modest, like Councilman Simcha Felder of Brooklyn is paid just $1,000 to $5,000 a year to teach at Touro College.
At 11:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Several issues:
Let us see Simcha Felder's income tax return for last year to see if in fact his only outside income is a paltry $1,000-5,000 from Touro.
I personally don't believe it.
Secondly, He is only one person out of 51 members. SO Felder isn't lucky enough to make money. Many others on the city council are pulling down good money as attorneys, consultants, etc. while earning over $100,000 from the CIty COuncil PART TIME job. A gross waste of taxpayer's money going to bums, lazy elected officials, aloof officials and rabid anti semites such as Charles Barron, yemach shemo.
WHy is it that felder's income from touro is described as 1000-5000 dollars. Is there not a set figure? It is fishy.
At 12:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh! if they are looking for a side job with a decent pay we currently need a mikvah yid in our shul good pay! and only a side job.
At 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
anon 11:50:
Felder's salary at Touro can vary greatly because his schedule is different every semester. He may teach no classes, one class, or two classes per semester, depending on the school's needs.
Also, Touro is known to be the lowest paying college in the city. He's doing it more as a favor or a love for teaching. Nobody teaches at Touro to make money. Ask anybody who teaches there.
At 1:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
what does simcha teach at Touro?
How to enrich oneself on the back of taxpayers?
WHat is he a professor of???????
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
felder's pay at Touro is based on eth number of classes he teaches each semester.
SOme years it more (i guess around $5,000) other years, its fewer (i guess around $1,000)
At 2:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I keep being amazed at all of you guys who are so busy looking at everyones' paychecks and wanting to see if it checks out with their tax returns.
Be happy for the guy that he's making money. HALEVEI all yiddishe kinder could make that kind of money. It's not like this is the only place tax money goes to. If you would only know how much of our tax money goes to waste for sillier things - you would be enraged!! At least this is paying someone's salary. Be happy for him - "fargin" him.
Another point: our taxes are not going to be raised as a result of the raise in salaries, so what's your beef? again, fargin the guy.
At 3:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Actually, anytime an elected official or candidate for office files disclosures for salary, investments or income from other sources they are asked to provide a range. That's why in the article it will state for example John Kerry made 100k - 500k from real estate investments, etc.
At 3:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Simcha is a great person and has done lots of things that many do not know about.
Simcha does not ask for money for things he can do and Simcha does not ask for money for things he gets paid for by the city. Simcha is an amzing person and we should only wish that people on the council cared about issues and actually got things done the way Simcha manages to do.
At 10:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 304,
cite four examples. you just say great things. Back it up. I don't think you can. You are probably a staff member of his office.
Let us hear four things he did, besides fly to Israel with Bloomy.
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