Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Arrest for Bribery+
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, NY +Arrest for Bribery+ Two Williamsburg residents were arrested for trying to bribe a NY City Police officer in the Station House.
Uniformed officers of the 90th Pct got a request from two perps late last night to release their friend who was arrested earlier for driving with suspended license, the officers took them up on their offer and asked them to come back when they have the money. Some time later the two came back into the precinct house where they gave the cash to the uniformed officer, they were immediately arrested.
This morning they went in front of a judge, where the two are charged with bribery of a public servant, and their friend for driving with a revoked license.
Uniformed officers of the 90th Pct got a request from two perps late last night to release their friend who was arrested earlier for driving with suspended license, the officers took them up on their offer and asked them to come back when they have the money. Some time later the two came back into the precinct house where they gave the cash to the uniformed officer, they were immediately arrested.
This morning they went in front of a judge, where the two are charged with bribery of a public servant, and their friend for driving with a revoked license.
At 3:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
I really hope this was PR's and not unzerer
At 12:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
mit a fleshil kava!
At 12:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Nisht goyisha kopp!
Norr "gitte hartz"
Zei zennen gegangen fraygen voos zei zollen teen tzee kennen aroisnemmen zayer imshildiga bal haboos, hott ah police zei gezugt "kimm breng gelt, mir lozzzen emm arois!
oohn trachten zenen dee gittah hartz gelloffen brengen gelt, inn menn hott zei gepakt!!
Sei doos einzetzen finn der bal haboos inn sei dee dreidel mitt dee tzvei getraya arbeiters zennen geven intergeshtelt finn dee police tzee aresten chevra - tzee kenen veizen az zey hoben ungefilt zayer minimum!
takeh, dee chachoomim hoben nisht gedarft loifen chapen brengen gelt, ober dee gantze zach iz gegengen azoy shnell,
dee gantzeh mahseh iz nisht geven a geplanteh shvindel...
im yerzeh Hashem vellen zey zich kenen shnell aroisdrayen,
Zey zenen bichlall nisht kein krimma chevra
Ver ess kenn zey vett eydes zoogen!
At 1:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
the story is the other way around. the officer offered the two young men to release their friend but "it will cost you", and they fell for it. when they took out the money they called in another officer and had them arrested. kept them without food or drink from Thursday night to Shabbos morning at central booking. it's time the 90 go their act together before wmsbg starts a riot like what happened in BP.
At 1:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
sorry folks lider it was some from us yiden nebech what a stupidy bribing an officer in a pct house with $1000.....??? were are we going...
At 2:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
was only $500 - Stupid $500
At 3:06 AM,
Anonymous said…
anon 1:51!
If your close friend, relative or boss who you know to be innocent, was arrested, and a police officer tells you "Hey man, we can release him, just bring us $500 cash" would YOU not run and do it?????
Most good Jews would, especially someone like the guy who did this.
Always thinking good,
always doing favors for others.
I am sure that they ran to do this without one bit of a thought that they are being trapped! (and I know one of the yungeleit, he is not stupid!) (I guess just bad luck - but he meant it 'loshem shomayim' and I hope he gets out of it fast!
And finally, It's time some serious action is taken to correct the corruption at that police station!
At 9:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
anybody have connections to the press? what's going on at the 90 needs to be publicized. there aren't enough drug dealers in the neighborhood since the area was cleaned up so they're coming after the yiden. and where are our community leaders? anybody know if shomrim is still around?
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
I Know one of them,C.G. he is a very nice person and a vary big bal chesed he is always busy doing chesed for others, and he is not stupid at all, the cop trapped him and his freind just becose thay are jewish, and they are ugly NAZI cops,as ALL THE OTHER NYPD OFFICERS as well, they hate us more then hitler ym"s did, lets pray that hashem should have RACHMONIS ON US AND TAKE US OUT OF THIS BITTER AMERICA GOLUS.....
At 2:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Why do you have to talk about nazis now???
Where does this come into the picture?
I personally know C.G. - you are right with what you said about him, he is the best
but why police nazis??
I would say that the police just loves money, they are goyim and will do everything possible to get as much money as possible even if it is in a crooked way,and taken from innocent people.
Now you know that from goyim, they can never get money this way, which goy will pay out of his pocket so fast for his friend???
So who should they target if not the "goodhearted, yidden" (and this time the police officer really had luck) a goodhearted yid is very gullable when it comes to such a situation.
I do agree though that the officers need to be punished and these things need to stop!
At 10:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
Isn't anyone here outraged that they bribed the police? Nevermind that it was probably entrapment, they thought it was ok to bribe someone? So in their hearts, bribery was the right thing to do in this case? There was no other choice? One of the bloggers said "Most good Jews would, especially someone like the guy who did this. Always thinking good, always doing favors for others." So bribery is good? Commit a crime to do a favor?
What is going on?
At 3:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
anonymous 10:55 do you read English or are you one of our self-hating jews? they had no idea this was a trap for a bribe. they thought this was some sort of bail they were supposed to pay to get their friend out. how is a kid who grew up in a yeshiva upstate supposed to know the criminal mind of these punks hiding behind a badge and a gun? they are guilty of being naive that's it.
At 11:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
All of you people who live in Williamsburg if you really believe that this was a set up, and that the people involved were treated unfairly then do something about it.
Don't riot, don't burn things do it the right way. Go to your leaders.
You have Hatzoloh, you have Shomrim the leaders of these organizations have ties to the upper brass in the NYPD. Go to the heads of your other community groups like the UJO and others. Go to your elected officials. Sign petitions, you have such large numbers in Williamsburg don't just sit on a website and be angry go out and work to take care of the problem.
At 6:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Shame on You Anon 11:59
Shame on you for calling the cops Nazis
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