Israel - Only 44 Percent of Charedim Men in Work Force
Israel - New statistics by Israel Central Bureau of Statistics showes that the work force in Israel consists of 62.6 percent of the population of 20 years old and over.
In the Jewish population, 95 percent of the secular men are in the work force and 8.5 percent are unemployed, and only 44 percent from ultra-Orthodox backgrounds are in the work force.
Thirty-six percent of those who are not in the job market look after children or housekeeping; 25 percent suffer from a certain handicap or an ongoing condition; 19 percent pursue academic studies, 59 percent of which are men who are haredim and attend a yeshiva.
At 6:14 PM,
yeshivaguy said…
Kindly explain to me it is possible for 95% of secular men to be working, while 8.5% still remain unemployed. If the 95% figure is correct, there are no more than 5% remaining.
Was this a direct quote, or were you paraphrasing?
At 8:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
The hate for Chareidim is so great that it blinds them. They cannot even do the math straight. As a Chareidey who lived in Israel, I can tell you that I was unemployed not by choice, but by racism. There were many jobs available in my field which I could not get because I was religious. The only jobs offered were very menial ones. Suddenly when I moved to America I was able to find a job in my profession! The Anti Charedeey sentiment is terrible!
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
The unemployment rate is the percentage of the labor force that is not employed.
Only those that are currently actively seeking work are part of the labor force.
At 9:13 PM,
yeshivaguy said…
"I can tell you that I was unemployed not by choice, but by racism."
Why, what race are you? (And don't answer charedi, b/c that's not a different race.) What's your profession?
At 9:15 PM,
yeshivaguy said…
To anonymous 2:
I don't know what you mean. Are you trying to explain how 95 + 8.5 equal 100? If you are, the explanation needs more work.
At 10:48 PM,
thekvetcher said…
israel or lakewood?
At 11:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I do not know about the percentage thing But jews work??
At 8:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
in some ways it is easier to be religious in America
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
I understood it to mean that there are 95% who are working, then of those 95%, 8.5% are unemployed. The 5% not in the work force aren't unemplyed because they are not looking for work.
At 1:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Mark levin,
Although I am totally against the concept of kollel, I do respect and agree with your opinion that the medina may be attempting to paint the frum in a bad light.
Beyond that, brainwashing people into kollel is causing this problem on a wholesale problem, both in Israel and USA
At 12:38 AM,
yeshivaguy said…
eric, if they're working, they're not unemployed.
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