Dallas, TX - 7-Eleven Drops Citgo As Gas Supplier
Dallas, TX - 7-Eleven Inc. dropped Venezuela-owned Citgo as its gasoline supplier after more than 20 years as part of a previously announced plan by the convenience store operator to launch its own brand of fuel. 7-Eleven officials said that the decision was partly motivated by politics. Citgo Petroleum Corp. is a Houston-based subsidiary of Venezuela's state-run oil company and 7-Eleven is worried that anti-American comments made by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez might prompt motorists to fill-up elsewhere.
Instead, 7-Eleven, which sells gasoline at 2,100 of its 5,300 U.S. stores, will now purchase fuel from several distributors, including Tower Energy Group of Torrance, Calif., Sinclair Oil of Salt Lake City, and Houston-based Frontier Oil Corp.
At 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 3:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hope 7-Eleven does not drop Slurrpy Drinks!!
At 12:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Coment 2:21 PM Sahold be erased immidiatly
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