A 94-year-old woman Dottie Wollner, who lives in the Williams Plaza houses in Williamsburg and moved into her sister's apartment to care for her as she was dying is being ordered by the Housing Authority to pack up and leave the flat she considers her home.
Ms. Wollner, switched towers nearly three years ago to tend to her sister, and settled into her apartment. The housing authority wants her back in her old unit - for which she has continued to pay rent.
"I want to stay," she said. "If I go back to my own place, I could die.
"Ms. Wollner is in no danger of being evicted. However, she cannot keep two apartments," NYCHA spokeswoman said, explaining that she can return to her original unit.
But Powsner said moving Wollner, who has trouble moving without a walker, would be "like killing her."
The family plans to fight the eviction notice in tenant court. Marty Markowitz, the Brooklyn borough president, sent a letter to
NYCHA and says he will do everything he can to help the woman.
"Even a bureaucracy must have rachmones," he said, using the Yiddish word for compassion.