Saturday, July 23, 2005
Spring Valley +Traffic Alert+ NY State Thruway in Rockland County, Spring Valley at M/M 25.2 MVA not with serious injuries PD on scene requesting EMS als and FD heavy traffic delays.
Friday, July 22, 2005
Brooklyn: Parking A Major Concern For Drivers.
Brooklyn: Parking A Major Concern For Drivers Borough Wide and Brooklyn residents want it addressed this election.
U/D: From A Eyewitnesses That Told The Story Of The Fatal Crash Last Week Friday On Route 17
BLOOMING GROVE—Eric Serviss was driving through Blooming Grove on Route 17 with his partner, John Grimaldi, on Friday, on their way to see a client in New York.
"We were talking when a kind of explosion of dirt happened in front of us," said Grimaldi, a partner with Serviss in the 8 Hats High Animation and Production company in Middletown. A van had inexplicably crossed the median, colliding with a tractor-trailer two or three cars ahead of them.
All of a sudden, Serviss said, the tractor-trailer cut a hard left, probably to avoid hitting the oncoming van. The truck appeared to be "grinding the guardrail" on the westbound side of the highway, Grimaldi said.
Just as the westbound van had ended up in the eastbound lanes, the eastbound tractor-trailer had crossed into the westbound lanes.
Grimaldi called 911 while Serviss approached the van. Serviss was stunned by what he saw.
"I knew that the position of his body definitely was not right for a living, breathing human being," he said.
The driver's side door was gone. He didn't see the two passengers.
The driver of the van was 34-year-old Abraham Weisz of Brooklyn. His passengers were a young married couple, Zev and Faigy Tietielbaum, ages 23 and 20.
Grimaldi remembers the driver of the tractor-trailer, which was hauling junked cars.
"He came out of the truck pretty fast and then sat at the side of the road," he said. "He looked in shock."
Weisz and the Tietielbaums were Hasidic Jews, members of the Orthodox Satmar community in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.
"People were getting ready to help," Serviss said. "I saw a couple of Orthodox guys and a couple of other young guys out on the road. I remember thinking since I had a red shirt on, I should direct traffic."
But then they heard sirens and knew help was on the way. They realized there wasn't anything they could do. Serviss said he wanted to leave.
"We couldn't stay there with this corpse in front of us," he said.
First responders on the scene were struck by the presence of baby materials — diapers, pacifiers, and toys — in the van, said Rich Lenahan, captain of Monroe Volunteer Ambulance. They thought a baby may have been in there, so they began to search for one, and dropped ropes over the embankments. But no baby was found.
"There is a void in the community with search and rescue, so we got qualified by the Department of Environmental Conservation victim wilderness search and rescue," Lenahan said. "In this part of the county, we were the only ones."
That each vehicle ended up on the opposite side of the highway caused an extraordinary delay in clearing the accident. Route 17 was closed in both directions for nearly five hours, backing up traffic not only on the highway itself but on all connecting local roads, reaching far into Monroe, Chester and beyond.
The tie-up spilled over to 17M, where cars moved at a stuttering crawl. Back roads, such as Mine and Reynolds in Monroe, were moving - albeit bumper to bumper - as locals tried to avoid the traffic. The oppressive humid heat wasn't doing anything to improve the moods of motorists, which appeared to range from depressing resignation to frustrated rage.
"It was a very unique accident," said Captain Steve Nevins of State Police Troop F. "It was absolutely one of the worst bad scenarios, except it wasn't snowing."
Police and other emergency personnel had to do a time-consuming reconstruction of the scene. This process requires responders to get to the site from as many as four to five locations throughout the county, then re-positioning the vehicles and analyzing what happened. Some of the analysis is done with a laser measuring device to pinpoint the positions of the vehicles, landmarks, and skid marks.
State Troop F Senior Investigator John Van Der Molen said they've come to "no conclusions" yet about what caused the accident.
Responders also needed to attend to the potential danger of hazardous material spilling onto the road. Both sides of the highway needed to be cleaned up, along with the tractor-trailer lodged in the trees on the westbound side.
Nevins said the tow operators, from Loyal Towing in Harriman, "did a tremendous job, just a terrific job."
Also on the scene were members of the Hasidic community, who needed to perform certain religious rituals on the scene. This had nothing to do with the delay, according to the state police.
"There are some things they needed to do with rituals," Nevins said. "They actually finished with their ritual or ceremonial work before our own work was done. They were clearly done before our work."
Van Der Molen said the accident is still under investigation. It can take a week or more to get results.
"To be honest with you, I don't think we will ever know," Nevins said. "It could be any of a hundred reasons. We don't get to interview the operator."
The driver of the tractor-trailer, Eric Delgado, 41, was treated and released for minor injuries at Orange Regional Medical Center's Arden Hill hospital.
"My heart goes out to the family," Monroe Town Supervisor Sandy Leonard said Tuesday. "I hope the investigation will show the cause of the accident.
"I think it became crystal clear on Friday that it is not just Monroe traffic that is overburdening our town roads," she added. The Friday traffic snarl "highlights it's a regional problem that needs a regional solution and we have been working on that."
Nevins said he would tell motorists angry about the delay: "Be grateful you were not on the scene; you got home safe that night."
"We were talking when a kind of explosion of dirt happened in front of us," said Grimaldi, a partner with Serviss in the 8 Hats High Animation and Production company in Middletown. A van had inexplicably crossed the median, colliding with a tractor-trailer two or three cars ahead of them.
All of a sudden, Serviss said, the tractor-trailer cut a hard left, probably to avoid hitting the oncoming van. The truck appeared to be "grinding the guardrail" on the westbound side of the highway, Grimaldi said.
Just as the westbound van had ended up in the eastbound lanes, the eastbound tractor-trailer had crossed into the westbound lanes.
Grimaldi called 911 while Serviss approached the van. Serviss was stunned by what he saw.
"I knew that the position of his body definitely was not right for a living, breathing human being," he said.
The driver's side door was gone. He didn't see the two passengers.
The driver of the van was 34-year-old Abraham Weisz of Brooklyn. His passengers were a young married couple, Zev and Faigy Tietielbaum, ages 23 and 20.
Grimaldi remembers the driver of the tractor-trailer, which was hauling junked cars.
"He came out of the truck pretty fast and then sat at the side of the road," he said. "He looked in shock."
Weisz and the Tietielbaums were Hasidic Jews, members of the Orthodox Satmar community in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn.
"People were getting ready to help," Serviss said. "I saw a couple of Orthodox guys and a couple of other young guys out on the road. I remember thinking since I had a red shirt on, I should direct traffic."
But then they heard sirens and knew help was on the way. They realized there wasn't anything they could do. Serviss said he wanted to leave.
"We couldn't stay there with this corpse in front of us," he said.
First responders on the scene were struck by the presence of baby materials — diapers, pacifiers, and toys — in the van, said Rich Lenahan, captain of Monroe Volunteer Ambulance. They thought a baby may have been in there, so they began to search for one, and dropped ropes over the embankments. But no baby was found.
"There is a void in the community with search and rescue, so we got qualified by the Department of Environmental Conservation victim wilderness search and rescue," Lenahan said. "In this part of the county, we were the only ones."
That each vehicle ended up on the opposite side of the highway caused an extraordinary delay in clearing the accident. Route 17 was closed in both directions for nearly five hours, backing up traffic not only on the highway itself but on all connecting local roads, reaching far into Monroe, Chester and beyond.
The tie-up spilled over to 17M, where cars moved at a stuttering crawl. Back roads, such as Mine and Reynolds in Monroe, were moving - albeit bumper to bumper - as locals tried to avoid the traffic. The oppressive humid heat wasn't doing anything to improve the moods of motorists, which appeared to range from depressing resignation to frustrated rage.
"It was a very unique accident," said Captain Steve Nevins of State Police Troop F. "It was absolutely one of the worst bad scenarios, except it wasn't snowing."
Police and other emergency personnel had to do a time-consuming reconstruction of the scene. This process requires responders to get to the site from as many as four to five locations throughout the county, then re-positioning the vehicles and analyzing what happened. Some of the analysis is done with a laser measuring device to pinpoint the positions of the vehicles, landmarks, and skid marks.
State Troop F Senior Investigator John Van Der Molen said they've come to "no conclusions" yet about what caused the accident.
Responders also needed to attend to the potential danger of hazardous material spilling onto the road. Both sides of the highway needed to be cleaned up, along with the tractor-trailer lodged in the trees on the westbound side.
Nevins said the tow operators, from Loyal Towing in Harriman, "did a tremendous job, just a terrific job."
Also on the scene were members of the Hasidic community, who needed to perform certain religious rituals on the scene. This had nothing to do with the delay, according to the state police.
"There are some things they needed to do with rituals," Nevins said. "They actually finished with their ritual or ceremonial work before our own work was done. They were clearly done before our work."
Van Der Molen said the accident is still under investigation. It can take a week or more to get results.
"To be honest with you, I don't think we will ever know," Nevins said. "It could be any of a hundred reasons. We don't get to interview the operator."
The driver of the tractor-trailer, Eric Delgado, 41, was treated and released for minor injuries at Orange Regional Medical Center's Arden Hill hospital.
"My heart goes out to the family," Monroe Town Supervisor Sandy Leonard said Tuesday. "I hope the investigation will show the cause of the accident.
"I think it became crystal clear on Friday that it is not just Monroe traffic that is overburdening our town roads," she added. The Friday traffic snarl "highlights it's a regional problem that needs a regional solution and we have been working on that."
Nevins said he would tell motorists angry about the delay: "Be grateful you were not on the scene; you got home safe that night."
CAIRO, Egypt + Large Explosion+
CAIRO, Egypt Witnesses have reported a large explosion at Egypt's Red Sea tourist resort of Sharm el-Sheik, at least 88 killed and 110 wounded.
Tuxedo +Police Car MVA+
Tuxedo +Police Car MVA+ Police car accident with serious injuries to the officer on ramp Route 17A, PD requesting Medic and rescue EMS with a rush, Stat Flight AIR-2 in route to location, L/Z at the scene.
Spring Valley, +Car Into House+
Spring Valley, Rockland County +Car into House+ In Spring Valley at 21 Chestnut St a car crashed into the house, person not pinned, PD on scene rewuesting Medics and FD
Williamsburg + Technical Rescue+
Williamsburg area +Technical Rescue+ At Devoe St. And Graham Ave. PD on scene and ESU requested on a rush for a tree down on a vehicle with a person trapped inside.
U/D: 10:32
Canceling ESU, no one pinnedm
U/D: 10:32
Canceling ESU, no one pinnedm
Liberty, Sullivan County +Serious MVA Fatality+
Liberty, Sullivan County +Serious Fatality+ Serious Fatality on Route 17 east bound at exit 99, no pins but one aided was found unconcious and confirmed D.O.A. After going into cardiac arrest prior to an accident .
News delayed from 2:29 a.m. waitimg family notification.
News delayed from 2:29 a.m. waitimg family notification.
Williamsburg Brooklyn, Power plant - or public park?
TransGas Energy wants to build a 1,100 megawatt power plant on the same Williamsburg site where the city has already mapped out a park as part of the area's sweeping waterfront development plan.
TransGas wants to condemn lots at North 12th and Kent Ave. before the city can get the land for its park.
"A power plant is a higher public use than a public park," TransGas President said. But the $2 billion dream project is opposed by the Bloomberg administration, elected officials and Brooklyn activists.
TransGas created a transportation corporation as a legal entity to help it seize the land because under city rules, that's the kind of business that can condemn property.
"We are going to be transporting electricity and steam," TransGas said.
Councilman David Yassky (D-Brooklyn Heights) called the TransGas bid "preposterous" and unlikely to succeed. "If they walk into court and say, 'We're taking this property, which the city intends to condemn for a park,' I can't imagine a judge going along with that," Yassky said. said.
TransGas wants to condemn lots at North 12th and Kent Ave. before the city can get the land for its park.
"A power plant is a higher public use than a public park," TransGas President said. But the $2 billion dream project is opposed by the Bloomberg administration, elected officials and Brooklyn activists.
TransGas created a transportation corporation as a legal entity to help it seize the land because under city rules, that's the kind of business that can condemn property.
"We are going to be transporting electricity and steam," TransGas said.
Councilman David Yassky (D-Brooklyn Heights) called the TransGas bid "preposterous" and unlikely to succeed. "If they walk into court and say, 'We're taking this property, which the city intends to condemn for a park,' I can't imagine a judge going along with that," Yassky said. said.
British Police Shoot Suspected Suicide Bomber.
British Police Shoot Suspected Suicide Bomber.
Police have shot a suspected suicide bomber near a tube station in south London and witnesses said police have cordoned off a
mosque in east London.
Athorities are reporting that they have put a stop to an attempted subway bombing, they have chased down a suspevt wearing a heavily padded jacket and shot him 5 times killing him.
U/D: 10:54
Fatal shooting in subway station linked to ongoing anti-terror probe, London police say. Also Images are released of four men wanted in connection with failed bombings.
U/D: 14:27
tish police make an anti-terror arrest in a railway station in Birmingham.
U/D 07/24/05 4:32
The man shot dead by police in Stockwell, south London, was unconnected to Thursday's attacks, police say.
Police have shot a suspected suicide bomber near a tube station in south London and witnesses said police have cordoned off a
mosque in east London.
Athorities are reporting that they have put a stop to an attempted subway bombing, they have chased down a suspevt wearing a heavily padded jacket and shot him 5 times killing him.
U/D: 10:54
Fatal shooting in subway station linked to ongoing anti-terror probe, London police say. Also Images are released of four men wanted in connection with failed bombings.
U/D: 14:27
tish police make an anti-terror arrest in a railway station in Birmingham.
U/D 07/24/05 4:32
The man shot dead by police in Stockwell, south London, was unconnected to Thursday's attacks, police say.
Liberty, Sullivan County. +Route 55 Closed+
Liberty, Sullivan County. +Route 55 Closed+ A serious MVA with entrapment in Liberty involving 2 cars and a T/T at Route 55 on the dam, EMS ALS on the scene requesting 2 BLS units with rescue and FD to respond for the extrication.
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Williamsburg, +Tracktor Trailer Accident Hit Overpass+
Williamsburg, +T/T Hit Overpass+ Flushing Ave and Williamsburg St. East, Tracktor Trailer roof came off when it hit the overpass causing major damage to the box and then split in half when he tried to drive away, ESU and FD on the scene.
Woodridge, MVA With Overturned Auto.
Woodridge, MVA With Overturned Auto. An MVA on Ranchhill Rd and River Rd, car rolled into a lake, Medevac requested, Hatzolah was canceled.
Brooklyn +Unusual Fall Accident+
Brooklyn +Unusual Fall Accident+ At East 13 and Ave X in front of apartment building person fell from scaffolding that collapsed, Person fell six floors, Hatzolah requested in a rush, also BLS requested, CPR in progress, person is likely.
U/D: 14:29
Aided in route to Coney Island Hospital.
U/D: 14:29
Aided in route to Coney Island Hospital.
Shabbas Scooter ?
Bridgeport Township-based Amigo Mobility International Inc. has devised a scooter that will give Orthodox Jews, forbidden by faith from turning on electrical devices on the Sabbas, wheels on the holy day.
The "Shabbas" scooter is specially designed to keep users from switching circuits on or off. Instead, the Amigo powers up and starts moving on its own when put into Sabbath mode.
Officials estimate a market of about 800,000 Orthodox Jews in the United States and Israel.
Here's how the Shabbas Amigo operates: By switching the scooter into Sabbath mode, the user activates a timer that automatically sets the chair in motion.
The user may put the chair in reverse by flipping another switch, which again triggers a timing mechanism and changes the scooter's direction. In each case, the timer takes about 20 seconds to engage.
Consistent with Jewish law, the scooter uses no headlight on the holy day. Designers plan to create an LED headlight that would provide light and yet satisfy the requirement.
The scooters, which took about a year to develop, cost about $3,500 apiece. A traditional Amigo would cost about $1,100 less.
The "Shabbas" scooter is specially designed to keep users from switching circuits on or off. Instead, the Amigo powers up and starts moving on its own when put into Sabbath mode.
Officials estimate a market of about 800,000 Orthodox Jews in the United States and Israel.
Here's how the Shabbas Amigo operates: By switching the scooter into Sabbath mode, the user activates a timer that automatically sets the chair in motion.
The user may put the chair in reverse by flipping another switch, which again triggers a timing mechanism and changes the scooter's direction. In each case, the timer takes about 20 seconds to engage.
Consistent with Jewish law, the scooter uses no headlight on the holy day. Designers plan to create an LED headlight that would provide light and yet satisfy the requirement.
The scooters, which took about a year to develop, cost about $3,500 apiece. A traditional Amigo would cost about $1,100 less.
Brooklyn +Officer Accidentally Shot+
Brooklyn +Officer Accidentally Shot+ Officer of the 60th precinct 2556 McDonald Ave and Ave W and the police practice range, accidentally shot to the ankle. numerous units responding to the scene.
U/D: 12:36
Officer not likely, has a minor wound.
Highway units will escort to Lutheran Hospital.
U/D: 12:36
Officer not likely, has a minor wound.
Highway units will escort to Lutheran Hospital.
Brooklyn +Kings County Hospital Gas Leak+
Brooklyn +Kings County Hospital Gas Leak+ 451 Clarkson Ave at the Kings County Hospital, a contractor broke a gas line at excavation site, FD requesting Key-Span with a rush to the scene for excessive gas leaking into the hospital.
U/D: 10:27
FD using all hands at building A at the hospital.
U/D: 10:30
Key-Span on the scene, gas main has been shut down.
Patints exposed to the gas inside the hospital have been moved to other areas of the hospital.
U/D: 10:27
FD using all hands at building A at the hospital.
U/D: 10:30
Key-Span on the scene, gas main has been shut down.
Patints exposed to the gas inside the hospital have been moved to other areas of the hospital.
London Underground Train Evacuated, "Situation Serious"

London, police say emergency services are responding to reports of "incidents" at three stations in the Underground subway system, of a possible explosive device detonated minor blasts in one of the stations.
U/D: 9:02
British police say they are not treating the London Underground evacuations as a "major incident."
U/D: 9:28
Bus operator says windows of double-decker blown out.
U/D: 9:41
Met police chief says Tube and bus blasts "very serious" and tells Londoners to "stay where you are".
U/D: 10:56
Prime Minister Tony Blair appeals for calm and says explosions are meant "to scare people."
U/D: 12:10
London's police commissioner confirms there were
four explosions this morning on a bus and the city's subway system.
U/D: 17:39
London, Police say two arrests have been made in connection with Thursday's attacks.
Bronx +Traffic Advisory MDE Closed+
Bronx +MDE Closed+ Due to an MVA on the Major Deegan Expressway did PD closed down all lanes going south bound at 155th St.
Kiryas Yoel, MonDroe Factions Feud Over Control Over 90-year-old Grand Rabbi
Kiryas Yoel, MonDroe -- The bitter split among the Satmar Chasidim here and in Brooklyn has degenerated into a family feud over who controls access to the 90-year-old grand rabbi.
Five grandchildren of Satmar Grand Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum, along with three of their spouses, have asked a state Supreme Court judge to appoint two rabbis as his legal guardians, giving them full control over his assets and personal life, including who visits him and where he goes.
Five grandchildren of Satmar Grand Rebbe Moses Teitelbaum, along with three of their spouses, have asked a state Supreme Court judge to appoint two rabbis as his legal guardians, giving them full control over his assets and personal life, including who visits him and where he goes.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Queens +G.C.P. Serious MVA+
Queens +G.C.P. Serious MVA+ Grand Central Parkway and 94th St. serious accident with multiple injured, Hatzolah on the scene, requesting num ambulances to the scene.
Chester NY +Police Car MVA+

Also 2 other patients both ejected, all 3 are in very critical condition. 3 Medivacs are requested to the scene. EMS command requests the units to step it up "even faster".
U/D: 00:38
Officer was transported by Air-2 in semi conscious condition.
Staten Island Expressway +MVA With Overturned+
Staten Island Expressway +MVA With Overturned+ At the Staten Island Expressway by Clove Road Hatzolah requested for an overturned vehicle.
Monticello +Serious MVA+ Anawana Lake Rd serious accident. PD, FD, EMS, Hatzolah and Sheriff's Dept all on the scene with confirmed 2 entrapments, extrication in progress.
FD setting up L/Z for Lifeguard-23 and Statflight Air-2 at the Concord Hotel.
U/D: 19:46
EMS handling a 5 year and a 23 year old both with serious trauma Statflight and Lifeguard are transporting to Westchester Medical Center.
FD setting up L/Z for Lifeguard-23 and Statflight Air-2 at the Concord Hotel.
U/D: 19:46
EMS handling a 5 year and a 23 year old both with serious trauma Statflight and Lifeguard are transporting to Westchester Medical Center.
West Nyack +Palisades Mall Evacuated+
Rockland, West Nyack +Palisades Mall Evacuated+ The Palisades Center Mall has been evacuated due to a bomb threat, Fire Department and PD from Nanuet and New City enroute. Nyack Ambulance and Rockland Paramedics requested also Rockland County Sheriff's Dept. and a FAST Team, all to be staging at the J Parking lot in the rear of the mall along the NYS Thruway.
U/D: 16:02
PD reporting that they found a suspicious device on a 3rd floor bathroom inside the mall.
Several ambulances requested to the scene.
Rockland Hazmat Team enroute.
U/D: 16:41
Bomb Squad going to remove the device and perform a controlled detonation of the package.
Major delays of Route 59, Route 303 and on the NY State Thruway.
U/D: 17:29
All three million square-feet of the mall is evacuated - 270 stores in all. Two police helicopters were overhead.
No word on when it might be reopened.
Heavy traffic delays on the NY State Thruway south bound.
U/D: 17:43
Two packages have been found and both detonated, numerous bomb sniffing dogs requested to search the rest of the mall, this will be along operation. Exit 12 on the Thruway remains closed.
U/D: 18:01
A third device was found.
Scene very active.
U/D 18:43
Primary searches for other packages has turned out to be negative, doing a second search now.
U/D: 18:56
Final has been given all clear and mall could re-open.
The package that was found in the bathroom had wires sticking out of it, and was later blown up in place by a police bomb squad in a controlled explosion,
U/D: 16:02
PD reporting that they found a suspicious device on a 3rd floor bathroom inside the mall.
Several ambulances requested to the scene.
Rockland Hazmat Team enroute.
U/D: 16:41
Bomb Squad going to remove the device and perform a controlled detonation of the package.
Major delays of Route 59, Route 303 and on the NY State Thruway.
U/D: 17:29
All three million square-feet of the mall is evacuated - 270 stores in all. Two police helicopters were overhead.
No word on when it might be reopened.
Heavy traffic delays on the NY State Thruway south bound.
U/D: 17:43
Two packages have been found and both detonated, numerous bomb sniffing dogs requested to search the rest of the mall, this will be along operation. Exit 12 on the Thruway remains closed.
U/D: 18:01
A third device was found.
Scene very active.
U/D 18:43
Primary searches for other packages has turned out to be negative, doing a second search now.
U/D: 18:56
Final has been given all clear and mall could re-open.
The package that was found in the bathroom had wires sticking out of it, and was later blown up in place by a police bomb squad in a controlled explosion,
Golden Taste Inc, Has Stopped Manufacturing All Food Products.
Golden Taste a Spring Valley food company that warned consumers four times in about a month that its products could make them sick has ceased production, state officials said . It has stopped manufacturing all food products, said a spokeswoman for the state Department of Agriculture and Markets.
"Golden Taste is currently closed until further notice," they said.
The company had recalled its salads — including Nova lox, baked salmon and tuna — four times since June 10 because tests done by the state showed they were contaminated with listeria. The bacteria can cause pregnant women to suffer miscarriage or premature labor and can make the elderly, children and people with compromised immune systems very sick.
The company will remain closed until inspector visit it again.
Inspectors have been on-site three times since Friday to make sure the company was not making food, they said.
State inspectors levied a $1,200 fine against the business Friday, bringing the total since June to $6,050 for sanitary violations.
Golden Taste makes about 50 products, according to kosher certificates listed online by OK Kosher Certification. it's products are distributed throughout New York and New Jersey.
"Golden Taste is currently closed until further notice," they said.
The company had recalled its salads — including Nova lox, baked salmon and tuna — four times since June 10 because tests done by the state showed they were contaminated with listeria. The bacteria can cause pregnant women to suffer miscarriage or premature labor and can make the elderly, children and people with compromised immune systems very sick.
The company will remain closed until inspector visit it again.
Inspectors have been on-site three times since Friday to make sure the company was not making food, they said.
State inspectors levied a $1,200 fine against the business Friday, bringing the total since June to $6,050 for sanitary violations.
Golden Taste makes about 50 products, according to kosher certificates listed online by OK Kosher Certification. it's products are distributed throughout New York and New Jersey.
Monticello, Kaufman Bungalow Colony Sewer Line Is Causing A Stink
Monticello – Kaufman Summer Bungalow Colony is in deep sewage with the Town of Thompson for building a towering sewer line on stilts. The Colony erected a sewer pipe that runs three-tenths of a mile along Benmosche Road near the Monticello Raceway and in some places it rises to 12 feet above the road and can be seen from Route 17.
The Town Board yesterday ordered the colony to tear it down by noon Friday and threatened to take the colony's $10,000 security deposit if the work isn't completed.
Two weeks ago, the board agreed to let the colony install a temporary line into a pump station, which is outside the village line but pumps the sewage toward the village's treatment plant.
The town officials expected the pipe would be run along the ground in the woods away from the road. Instead, the colony built a gravity-fed line supported by two-by-fours planted in mounds of dirt. It was hooked into the pump station Friday and some sewage was running through the pipe yesterday.
"I realize it doesn't look that great," the colony's attorney, said. "It is there in anticipation that there will be a permanent line installed."
The colony also has had other code violations and the line needs to come down, said town officials.
The Town Board yesterday ordered the colony to tear it down by noon Friday and threatened to take the colony's $10,000 security deposit if the work isn't completed.
Two weeks ago, the board agreed to let the colony install a temporary line into a pump station, which is outside the village line but pumps the sewage toward the village's treatment plant.
The town officials expected the pipe would be run along the ground in the woods away from the road. Instead, the colony built a gravity-fed line supported by two-by-fours planted in mounds of dirt. It was hooked into the pump station Friday and some sewage was running through the pipe yesterday.
"I realize it doesn't look that great," the colony's attorney, said. "It is there in anticipation that there will be a permanent line installed."
The colony also has had other code violations and the line needs to come down, said town officials.
Upper Saddle River Raises Water Worries Against Yeshiva Plans In Airmont, N.Y.
Airmont, N.Y. - Congregation Mischknois Lavier Yakov Inc. plans to build an educational facility (yeshiva) on 19 acres off Hillside Avenue in Airmont. The plans include a dormitory for 170 unmarried students and 10 separate triplex homes for 30 married students. The homes measure 11,000 square feet each.
But Residents from Upper Saddle River monitoring plans to construct the yeshiva for up to 200 rabbinical students in neighboring Airmont, N.Y., say their concerns have mounted over the project's impact on the region's water supply.
"This is a residential area and to change it is a big impact on all of us," said an Upper Saddle River resident upset over the size of the project, "the sewer and water infrastructure in the area cannot support the project."
Residents say overuse of the aquifer, inadequate sewage facilities and traffic concerns will bring them to the Holiday Inn on Executive Boulevard in Suffern, N.Y., on July 26 for a special meeting of the Airmont Planning Board.
But Residents from Upper Saddle River monitoring plans to construct the yeshiva for up to 200 rabbinical students in neighboring Airmont, N.Y., say their concerns have mounted over the project's impact on the region's water supply.
"This is a residential area and to change it is a big impact on all of us," said an Upper Saddle River resident upset over the size of the project, "the sewer and water infrastructure in the area cannot support the project."
Residents say overuse of the aquifer, inadequate sewage facilities and traffic concerns will bring them to the Holiday Inn on Executive Boulevard in Suffern, N.Y., on July 26 for a special meeting of the Airmont Planning Board.
Wallkill, Orange County +Unusual Accident+
Wallkill, Orange County +Unusual Accident+ MVA on the I-84 east bound, motorcycle struck a bear, minor injuries to the driver the bear is DOA, heavy traffic delays in the area.
Williamsburg +Suspicious Package+
Williamsburg +Suspicious Package+ On the Williamsburg Bridge, PD on the scene with a suspicious suitcase on the Manhattan side, requesting ESU and Bomb Squad, FD and EMS to stage. Bridge is being closed down.
Port Authority Restores Cell Service In Remaining Tunnels
Manhattan, N.Y. -- Cell phone service has been restored in the Holland and Lincoln tunnels, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey announced.
Cell phone service was cut off in the four motor vehicular tunnels leading into Manhattan in response to the July 7 terrorist bombings in London. It was reinstated in the Brooklyn Battery and Queens Midtown Tunnels on July 11.
Late Today afternoon, executive director of the Port Authority, said that service in the remaining two tunnels was being restored.
Cell phone service was cut off in the four motor vehicular tunnels leading into Manhattan in response to the July 7 terrorist bombings in London. It was reinstated in the Brooklyn Battery and Queens Midtown Tunnels on July 11.
Late Today afternoon, executive director of the Port Authority, said that service in the remaining two tunnels was being restored.
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Borough Park, In Desperate Need Of Additional Housing
Borough Park, Hundreds of families in this and in other crowded Jewish Brooklyn neighborhoods six or seven children is the norm, and therefore there's a desperate need for housing.
Community activist Isaac Abraham says the issue should have been addressed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg a long time ago.
“It's getting to be four years later, [and] is there a single affordable unit under his clock? No, not yet,” says Abraham.
Borough Park's population grew more than 15 percent from 1990 to 2000, while there was a less than five percent increase in housing stock.
“Housing has been on the table for a very, very long time, but some zoning changes needed to be made in order for this to move ahead,” says Hikind. “And swoop, it's just great to have election years.”
Community activist Isaac Abraham says the issue should have been addressed by Mayor Michael Bloomberg a long time ago.
“It's getting to be four years later, [and] is there a single affordable unit under his clock? No, not yet,” says Abraham.
Borough Park's population grew more than 15 percent from 1990 to 2000, while there was a less than five percent increase in housing stock.
“Housing has been on the table for a very, very long time, but some zoning changes needed to be made in order for this to move ahead,” says Hikind. “And swoop, it's just great to have election years.”
Borough Park +Child Struck+
Borough Park +Child Struck+ 41st St. and 15th Ave. Hatzolah on the scene of a child that was struck, transporting to Lutheran Hospital.
Borough Park, +Maimonides Hospital Suspicious Package+
Borough Park, Maimonides Hospital Emergency room at 49th St. on Fort Hamilton Parkway is being evacuated due to a suspicious package.
Williamsbrg area +Ceiling Collapse+
Williamsbrg +Ceiling Collapse+ At 690 Grand St. and manhattan Ave., Entire ceiling of a restaurant 1st floor collapsed, minor injuries
Thunderstorm Warning
Severe Tunder Storm Warning for Westchester and Orange County's until 18:00 hours.
Fallsburg +Overturned Tractor Trailer+
Fallsburg +Overturned Tractor Trailer+ On Rt 17 East Bound near exit 107 MVA with tractor trailer roll over traffic is backed up.
U/D: 14:16
No major injures.
U/D: 14:16
No major injures.
Queens +Home Depot Stabbing+
Queens +Home Depot Stabbing+ Home Depot at Merrick Blvd and 180th St, Security personal at the store tried to stop a person from leaving the store with unpaid merchandise, perp stabbed the guard in the chest, on the way to MIH, guard is conscious.
President Bush to Announce Court Nominee Today
President Bush will announce his nominee for the Supreme Court seat vacated by Justice Sandra Day O'Connor at 9 p.m. Eastern time.
Extreme Heat, Humidity, And Thunderstorm Advisory
With hot and humid weather in the forecast and strong potential for scattered thunderstorms today, OEM urges New Yorkers to take appropriate steps to stay cool and safe.
The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for the New York City area for July 19. People planning to spend time outdoors should be mindful of the heat.
As a cold front passes through the area, scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely late this afternoon into this evening. These thunderstorms may produce torrential downpours and localized flooding, lightning, and strong, gusty winds.
Power outages are more likely to occur during warm weather, when utility usage is at its peak. OEM urges residents to conserve energy to help prevent power disruptions.
The National Weather Service has issued a heat advisory for the New York City area for July 19. People planning to spend time outdoors should be mindful of the heat.
As a cold front passes through the area, scattered showers and thunderstorms are likely late this afternoon into this evening. These thunderstorms may produce torrential downpours and localized flooding, lightning, and strong, gusty winds.
Power outages are more likely to occur during warm weather, when utility usage is at its peak. OEM urges residents to conserve energy to help prevent power disruptions.
MonDroe To Vote On Plan To Cover Kiryas Yoel's Fires.
MonDroe A long-awaited proposal altering how and when MonDroe firefighters answer emergency calls in neighboring Kiryas Yoel is expected to come before the Village Board tonight. Under the proposed contract, MonDroe's Mombasha Fire Company, would now respond only when asked to by one of Kiryas Yoel's fire officers or emergency dispatchers. The new arrangement would effectively give Kiryas Yoel's fire department primary responsibility for fires and other emergencies. Mombasha would, in effect, become a secondary service, on call to take command of emergencies that Kiryas Yoel's volunteers cannot handle themselves. Mombasha would have control of the fire scene any time it's called to Kiryas Yoel. That stipulation was made to ease concerns about MonDroe firefighters being directed by less-experienced Kiryas Yoel commanders. Whatever happens with tonight's vote, the new contract cannot take effect without the approval of MonDroe firefighters. Kiryas Joel would pay MonDroe $54,800 a year for 50 fire calls, plus $1,096 for each additional response. Kiryas Yoel Mayor has already signed the contract on behalf of his board.
NYPD Inspector Electrocuted At Home

The inspector, 45-year-old, was working the pump at his house when a current ran through the flooded area and electrocuted him.
Inspector Shortell, who was married and the father of three girls, was taken to Nyack University Hospital, where he died.
Bronx +Second Alarm Fire+
Bronx +Second Alarm Fire+ Second alarm fire at a commercial 100 X 100 vacant lumberyard in the Bronx at 1620 Webster Ave. between East 172nd St and Belmont Ave., the building on fire and the sheds inside are unstable. Battalion Chief calling all hands to use, primary searches are in progress, fire is D/W/H.
U/D 02:32
Fire under control.
U/D 02:32
Fire under control.
Monday, July 18, 2005
Orange County +Flash Flood Warning+
Orange County +Flash Flood Warning+ A flash flood warning was issued and is in effect until midnight for northern Orange County heavy rains are coming into the area.
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As all of our 900 members know, that we hade the first the news on Friday about the accident on the 17, and we shared it first with you even before we posted it on the site. And most of our news you will get first here before any other news organization.
all other web sites that carry our name and do duplicate news from our site are under violation of the federal copyright law, and we will pursue it legally.
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Brooklyn Navy Yard +Fall Victim+
Brooklyn Navy Yard +Fall Victim+ At the Brooklyn Navy Yard, FD is on the scene with aided that fell off a scaffolding at the Navy Yard.
Manhattan +Harlem River Driveway Traffic Alert+
Manhattan +Harlem River Driveway Traffic Alert+ HRD South bound before the exit to the Triborough Bridge at 109th St., SUV sitting on the center median guardrail, ESU and Highway on the scene, affecting traffic on both directions.
Sheraton, Hilton Hotels Considering Coming to Downtown Brooklyn
Construction will begin in September on two new hotels in downtown Brooklyn, possibly a 300-room Sheraton or a 180-room Hilton Garden.
The hotels would be built on adjoining lots at 216-228 Duffield St., near Willoughby Street.
The Duffield Street location is near the only other big hotel in the borough, a Marriott which is now undergoing a 280-room expansion.
The hotels would be built on adjoining lots at 216-228 Duffield St., near Willoughby Street.
The Duffield Street location is near the only other big hotel in the borough, a Marriott which is now undergoing a 280-room expansion.
Newark, NJ. +Two Police Officers Shot+

U/D: 7/19/05 10:50
Police this morning arrested the second suspect in the shooting.
Manhattan +Queens Midtown Tunnel Traffic Advisory+
Manhattan +Queens Midtown Tunnel Traffic Advisory+ Traffic to Queens Nidtown Tunnel being diverted due to a suspicious package ESU to the scene.
U/D: 11:43
Package proper ID'ed by ESU
U/D: 11:43
Package proper ID'ed by ESU
Sunday, July 17, 2005
Manhattan +FDR S/B Traffic Alert+
Manhattan +FDR S/B Traffic Alert+ FDR Drive south bound and Triborough Bridge, PD on scene with an MVA blocking two lanes.
NYS: New Law Cracks Down On Work Zone Speeders.

Governor Pataki signed the Work Zone Safety Act into law. After three construction workers were killed in May during a chain-reaction crash at a work site on Interstate 81.
Under the new law, anyone convicted of two or more speeding violations in a work zone would face a 60-day license suspension. The bill also requires a police presence in major work zones. It's not the first time state police will be on the lookout for motorists who are speeding through work zones.
Last year troopers used radar to record speeds in construction areas. That resulted in more than 16-hundred tickets being issued.
Flatbush +Bias-Crime+
Flatbush +Bias-Crime+ Bias crime at 1666 Flatbush Ave at the door of the dentist office on the first floor of a six story O/D a fire was set at the entrance to the Mezuzsh.
Bronx +Shots Fired At Police RMP+
Bronx +Shots Fired At Police RMP+ Level 3 mobilization has been called by the duty captain in rgards of shots fired at a police car at 1020 Trinity Ave. And East 165th St requestinf K-9, ESU to respond.
Kenoza Lake, Bnos Satmar of Borough Park Camp Permit. County Dosn't See Any Problem For Now.
Kenoza Lake, Bnos Satmar of Borough Park asked for a special use permit as an hotel, and the planning board chairman said he dosn't see any problems, but of course, it's not a completely done deal yet.
The Town of Delaware has told the new owners of the former Valley View hotel on Swiss Hill Road that their "camp," was "a pretty close fit" with the town's zoning laws – even though camps aren't allowed in the town.
The Town of Delaware has told the new owners of the former Valley View hotel on Swiss Hill Road that their "camp," was "a pretty close fit" with the town's zoning laws – even though camps aren't allowed in the town.
Queens +Two Pollice Officers Shot+
Queens +Two Pollice Officers Shot+ 2 police officers from the 105th Pct are shot, 10-13 to Hollis Ave and Robert Lane, 1 officer shot to the head and chest and the other to the leg, perp also shot and still on the scene, officers to LIJ Hospital.
U/D: 3:02
Both MOS are in stable condition, perp in unk condition, level one mobilization in effect, Officers were shot with a shotgun.
U/D: 3:02
Both MOS are in stable condition, perp in unk condition, level one mobilization in effect, Officers were shot with a shotgun.